Transform your business, reclaim your life. 

We help veteran real estate agents get out of the daily grind and stress so they can have the fulfilling future they deserve.


Meet Paul Fig.

Business Advisor + Personal Coach

Do you ever feel frazzled, frustrated,  financially unstable, or less motivated than before? It's a common experience for veteran agents, and I remember those feelings vividly. They caused me to rethink my approach and then inspired me to enter the advisory and coaching business.

As a real estate agent with over 30 years of experience and a previous background in research engineering, I specialize in guiding seasoned real estate agents to meet the challenges of today while redesigning their businesses for long-term success and personal fulfillment. Using my Fundamental Improvement + Growth (FIG) Method, I offer straightforward and flexible solutions that reduce stress, rekindle passion, and enhance financial security, enabling agents to thrive without the relentless grind. Streamline their operation for productivity and efficiency today with a longevity plan in mind.

Most real estate programs aren't developed for this group . Coaches and managers with little to no field experience often overload seasoned agents with tools and techniques that make sense for new agents but this isn't what veteran agents need.They are promoting solutions in search of a problem. We have a better way, taking a holistic approach and helping agents reimagine their unique business focused on individual needs, not hype and overpromise.

Let's talk about your business

The FIG Method.

The Foundational Improvement + Growth (FIG) Method consists of three modules: Stabilize, Prioritize, Mobilize and is supported by the Paulfigla Strategic Planner™, a Google Suite of tools, and a curated selection of videos, books and podcasts. The processes, tools, and support are a combination aimed at helping the individual transform to a state of clarity, consistency, and confidence in running a successful authentic business appropriate for their career stage. Feeling a sense of freedom, purpose, and fulfillment. All Agents begin with the 90-Day REimagine Program which guides individuals as they initiate the FIG Method and begin to close the gap between where they are today and the business they need to have the fulfilling life they want.  With guidance, Agents find that the FIG Method is not overly complicated to implement.

Learn more with a Free Consultation

Our Process.


We also work with newer agents in the building stage of their careers or those with more experience but are struggling in their peak responsibility years.  With my experience working with the Legends, I try to impress upon these younger agents that although you are dealing with the pressures of today, it’s important to begin with a long range plan so you have a direction.  I use my experience and wisdom to help agents accelerate their careers while learning to enjoy the ride and hopefully avoiding some common pitfalls, many of which I experienced firsthand. I have both business and life experience that I am happy to pass on to others and as the son of a guidance counselor, I blend an approach of being understanding while challenging our agents. We also use the Fundamental Improvement + Growth (FIG) Method for our mentorship agents with a modified REimagine Program. 

Book Your Free Consultation Today

Next Steps.

A funny thing happened: my clients started asking if I would be willing to help non-real estate agents who found themselves at a crossroads. Some were running their businesses but felt tired of the grind and were looking for a change. Others were approaching retirement in their chosen professions, and some were going through major life shifts. They were unsure about the next step or hesitant to make a move. I found that our program worked wonderfully with this group too. 

We still use our Fundamental Improvement + Growth (FIG) Method, which provides a framework regardless of the circumstance. Our mission continues to be to help people gain clarity, connect, and boost their confidence, finding meaning, purpose, joy, and acceptance in their next steps.


Everyone starts here
REimagine Program

This 90-day program guides agents through the Fundamental Improvement and Growth (FIG) Method to transform their business. The program builds quick momentum, with agents working through each step. Agents will analyze their business and current situation and using this valuable information, they will create a business strategy based on what is most important and what they truly value. Agents will develop monthly, weekly, and daily structures, systems, and routines. The program culminates with each agent drafting their PFLA Playbook redesigning their business leveraging their unique experience, talent, and wisdom, aiming to simplify their operations and minimize the daily grind and stress. A limited number of agents are accepted into this program each month.‍ 

Get started today.

Ongoing Support

These small working groups provide a Community of like minded individuals looking to continue to create growth and positive change. Participants meet weekly via video conferencing to review progress and plans, update and document all systems, and have an exchange of experiences and ideas with other group members. Clients must first complete the 90-Day Reimagine Program.

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Ongoing Support
Private Business Advisory + Personal Coaching

Clients meet one-on-one with their Advisor/Coach via video conferencing.  Sessions include continued support with all FIG Method systems, business strategy and plans, dealing with challenges, and creating action plans as needed.  These sessions will be designed on a bi-weekly or monthly basis.   Clients must first complete the 90-Day REimagine Program and private sessions can be stand-alone or supplemental to a PFLA Club participation

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5 Promises.


If you are serious about creating positive change and make a sincere effort, you will be amazed at the progress you can make using the FIG Method and programs.


By aligning with what is most important and focusing on the tasks, habits, and projects that move you in that direction, you will experience a new found peace.


Your morning routine will improve your physical and emotional fitness and create a ripple effect to meet the challenges of business and daily life.


Fear of financial insecurity will leave you. You will develop an abundance mindset by first gaining financial clarity and then creating your money flow system.


You will learn to deal with the issue at hand and stay in the present by reducing the tendency to judge yourself about the past or worry about the future.

Time to Get Clear

Create the business you need to live the fulfilling life you want and make the positive change you deserve starting today.
Explore how we can help with a free consultation